Our program/activities

The best early learning experience

The overall objective of JASCOLAMPF is socio-economic development of lac growers of the state, by way of facilitating, coordinating and promoting the marketing and trading activities of the cooperative institutions in Lac Sector. The approach is to increase the Lac production and productivity by timely channelizing high quality inputs like Broodlac, Toolkits & Equipment’s, and Pesticides etc. to the farmers at subsidy rate. By promoting scientific lac cultivation practices, it is ensured that the lac growers undertake all related activities in more systematic and scientific manner.

1. Promotion of Scientific Lac Cultivation

The objective of this programme is to increase the Lac production in the state and facilitate Lac growers by promoting scientific method of Lac cultivation, adoption of good practices and increase the socio-economic condition of Lac growers of the Primary Co-operative Societies/ SHG’s/ FPO’s etc

2. Lac Value addition

Sticklac / Scraped Lac are the raw material that is sold by the farmers in Gramin haats. Sticklac is then converted into Seedlac (Semi finished material). Seedlac is then converted to shellac of various grades either by handmade process in cottage industries or in machine- made process in mechanized industries. Seedlac, Button Lac & Sealing stick can be made manually in the cottage industries at village level.

3. Promotion of Scientific Lac Cultivation

Forests form an intricate element of the social and cultural life of tribals, and it is estimated that in India, about 300 million tribal and other local people depend on forests for their subsistence and livelihood. India has an estimated diversity of 3,000 plant species from which NTFPs, generally known as Minor Forest Produces (MFP).


KUSUM EMPORIUM is an initiative of Jharkhand State Co-operative Lac Marketing and Procurement Federation Ltd., to promote handicrafts and handicraft artisans of Jharkhand. Kusum is dedicatedly providing a platform to showcase the handicraft artisans of Jharkhand since 2014.