- +91 0651 3511741
- Mdjascolampf@gmail.com
- JASCOLAMPF Bhawan, Purulia Rd, New Bharat Puri , Ranchi, Jharkhand 834001
Lac Value Addition
Sticklac / Scraped Lac are the raw material that is sold by the farmers in Gramin haats. Sticklac is then converted into Seedlac (Semi finished material). Seedlac is then converted to shellac of various grades either by handmade process in cottage industries or in machine- made process in mechanized industries. Seedlac, Button Lac & Sealing stick can be made manually in the cottage industries at village level.
Sticklac in small quantity or lots is generally sold in the rural markets (haats) by the lac growers. Rural markets (haat) in remote lac growing areas operate once or twice in a week. Lac growers, after harvesting sticklac sell to paikars (primary purchasers). Lac growers, nearer to lac processing units, also sell their produce directly to processing units. The paikars after collecting, whatever quantity they get in the course of the market day, sell it to the wholesaler in the same market or nearby manufacturing centers in bigger lots. Simultaneously, the wholesalers sell the produce to manufacturers at different lac processing centers. After processing, lac is sold for internal consumption within the country or exported by lac exporters.
The federation is actively involved in promoting the primary processing of lac by the lac grower’s co-operative/ Producer’s group in the field of manufacturing Lac value added products like Button lac, sealing wax etc. for which beneficiaries are trained in a batch of 50 trainees. The training covers:
- Sampling method/ determining the resin content of raw lac and primary processing of lac (Theory & Demonstration)
- Demonstration of making handmade Button lac
- Demonstration of making handmade Lac sealing stick